Spot Design -CH -Good-Girl-DD-10

    make it happen

    Every project is a
    unique challenge

    360º Project. Beginning of the project with a presentation of the concept, sending models for approval, production, implementation from North to South of the country including islands, and permanent maintenance. With the possibility of storage in our warehouses in Lisbon and Oporto.

    Our services

    Icon - Spot Design - Brand Activation

    Brand activation

    Icon - Spot Design - Glorifiers & PLV

    Glorifiers & PLV

    Icon - Spot Design - Events


    Icon - Spot Design - MEDIA&Digital

    Media & Digital

    Icon - Spot Design - MERCHANDISING

    POS merchandising

    Icon - Spot Design - HANDLING&LOGISTICS

    Handling & Logistic

    The challenge
    is just the beginning